Matching Occasion Shoes & Handbags

5 key tips for matching occasion shoes & handbags

Attention, everyone. Gather 'round as I unveil the ultimate fashion commandment: when it comes to occasion shoes and matching handbags, there's one golden rule – they must never clash, but always match! But you probably already knew that.

Your shoes and handbags are the inseparable partners in crime, the dynamic duo that swoops in to save your outfit from any fashion faux pas. They're the peanut butter and jelly of the fashion universe, the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of accessories – a power couple that knows how to turn heads and steal hearts, effortlessly.

But enough of wordplay – what I'll be telling you in today’s blog is 4 key tips to have your shoes and bags always matching, whether it's by color, color palette, or just you know, vibes.

Bear in mind that not everyone's conception of what 'matching' is will be the same. The way I go about it is thinking about the rest of the outfit, of course, but when you're in dire need of inspiration, it helps to think about shapes, colors, or materials. You don't want your shoes and handbag to be too similar, after all, but similar enough for there to be an evident harmony in your outfit.

And with that, let’s dive into my 4 tips for matching shoes and handbags:

Tip 1: Materials and fabrics should match

One clever technique for achieving flawless coordination is to have the same material and texture for both your shoes and bag. If you're wearing faux croc boots, for instance, then a matching bag would work, or at least a matching color. This rule doesn’t always have to be followed, but definitely kept in mind, depending on what the rest of the outfit looks like.

Tip 2: It’s all about balance

While matching colors or color families seems like the obvious choice when pairing handbags and shoes, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can also go 50/50. This means taking one subtle piece and matching it with something bolder. For instance, bold shoes with an understated purse. I personally have been doing this for ages.

Tip 3: If there’s embellishment, make it match too

People tend to forget about buckles, chains, et cetera. If you’re wearing a handbag with a silver buckle, don’t wear boots with gold studs, even if the leathers match. That’s just going to make you look like you got dressed with the lights off. Big no-no, honey. Also keep in mind that your jewelry, should you choose to wear some, should match this aesthetic too.

Tip 4: Overall, try to prioritize colors and patterns

We all know that pattern clashing is a big no-no. Unless that’s what you’re going for, of course, but in that case you need to really assess what occasions call for these specific types of outfits. As a general rule of thumb, shoes and bags should try to be the same color or color palette whenever possible. If not, go for similar patterns and textures, as mentioned above.

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