When one thinks of tote bags, they might think of museum visits or grocery shopping. And with reason - they’re super functional, easy to carry and usually very sturdy and just the right size. No wonder they’re everywhere! What you might not usually wonder, however, is how to style a tote bag. As a tote bag worshiper myself, I tend to wear mine without having my outfit in mind - this is, however, only the case with the traditional canvas tote bag style. You know the ones I’m talking about - the ones you buy from a museum and stroll everywhere to pretend you’re cultured but in reality have only been host to carrots, potatoes, and your house keys.
However, a few years ago, tote bags made a comeback and started being worn by people other than pseudo-artists. Originally invented with practicality in mind, they go back to the 17th century, even though the word ‘tote’ did not become mainstream until around the mid-20th century.
Today, you can combine tote bags with literally anything, and that’s what I’m here to show you. Here’s my 10 picks on tote bags and tote bag outfits, all of which you can find on our site at up to 30% off when you shop sustainably.